Monday, February 22, 2010

Marriott Gets It!

When it comes to generating customer loyalty through a great experience, Marriott gets it!

Upon check in to the Marriott Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel in Miami Beach Florida, I was treated to a complimentary upgrade to a suite in their newest tower addition. The reason? I was a Silver status member of their rewards program.

That's right; Silver, as in the lowest level.

The check in employee then told me that in appreciate for my loyalty to Marriott, I was given the opportunity to select a complimentary gift from their "sandbox" (a nice tray filled with sand and miniature beach toys along with small envelopes containing gift cards). Complimentary wireless access for the duration of my stay was the prize. Again, all for achieving the lowest level of their loyalty program.

I can't tell you how many times in the last few months I have flown United Airlines to various destinations where 1st class seats have gone unused. Yet despite my "loyalty" to United through their frequent flyer program, any request to use one of those seats is met with the same response: "Well, how did you intend to pay for that upgrade?"

Look, I get it. I'm 99% sure the Marriott property had plenty of these rooms available and that my meager Silver status wasn't really the reason for the upgrade. They clearly saw the opportunity to make someone like me feel important to them and in the end, they are rewarded for it with future bookings. Clearly, Marriott gets it, United doesn't.

Do you look for those opportunities to deliver more than expected to customers? You should!

1 comment:

  1. Love the love for the Silver status, most folks focus on retaining loyalty, good eye to spot creating loyalty
